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  Discouragement example    Johann Dieter R.
-- abschreckendes Beispiel fuer HELLO WORLD! (jdr, 19.10.2000)

-- Diese Routine arbeitet mit dem Software-Interrupt #0E der Video-

include machine.e                       -- benoetigte Include

global integer forecol                  -- Textfarbe

global object instruc                   -- Objekt für die Werte,
                                        -- mit denen der Software-
                                        -- Interrupt angesprochen
                                        -- wird.

forecol = 7

instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 72,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 101,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 108,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 108,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 111,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 32,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 87,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 111,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 114,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 108,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 100,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 33,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 10,0,0,0})
instruc = dos_interrupt(#10,{0,0,0,forecol,0,0,#0E00 + 13,0,0,0})
This example only serves as discouragement!

 Hello World   Michael Neumann
puts (1, "Hello World\n")
Prints "Hello World" onto the screen.

 Squares   Michael Neumann
for i=1 to 10 do
   puts(1," ")
end for
Outputs the squares from 1 to 10.