Weekly Work Log #6

The intention of the weekly work log posts is to report my activities of previous weeks.

Merged pull requests

Bug reports

  • Ravensource #37: Report problem with llvm50 from Ravenports. Problem solved.

Refactored Code

  • Released munkres-rs version 0.4.0. This implements the Kuhn-Munkres (or Hungarian) algorithm for solving the Assignment Problem in Rust.

  • Refactor parts of graph-neighbor-matching. This implements a graph similarity algorithm in Rust.

  • Extract non-dominated-sort-rs from nsga2-rs. Non-dominated sort can be used to obtain the pareto fronts in multi-variate optimization. In this case it is used by NSGA2 (Non-Dominiated Sort Genetic Algorithm 2).

  • Refactor izhikevich-neurons. This is a spiking neuron model for efficient, biological plausible simulation of spiking neural networks, which I have implemented in Rust.