Wee, Ruby 1.9 and Continuations

The last couple of days I spent refactoring my web application framework Wee, a Seaside-like framework for Ruby that I started back in 2004 with a lot of mental help from Avi Bryant (one of the main guys behind Seaside). It’s now approaching a 2.0 release. Wee is now fully Rack based (Rack is a commonly used Ruby Webserver Interface) and the code is in general even cleaner than it was before (huge parts were rewritten). Plus one cool feature: Continuations.


Yesterday I finally thought it’s time to put back in continuations mainly because of some very interesting developments (i.e. patches) for Ruby 1.8.x, which seems to fix memory leaks that occured when using continuations.

Continuations in Wee were never used as extensively as they were used in Seaside. And it’s interesting to read that Seaside 2.8 reduced heavy usage of continuations – something that Wee did from the beginning :)

An example says more than thousands words, so here we go:

require 'wee'

class Page < Wee::Component
  def initialize
    add_decoration Wee::PageDecoration.new('Title')
  def render(r)
    r.anchor.callback {
      if callcc YesNoMessageBox.new('Really delete?')
        callcc InfoMessageBox.new('Deleted!')
        callcc InfoMessageBox.new('Deleted action aborted')

class InfoMessageBox < Wee::Component
  def initialize(msg)
    @msg = msg

  def render(r)
    r.anchor.callback { answer }.with('OK')

class YesNoMessageBox < InfoMessageBox
  def render(r)
    r.anchor.callback { answer true }.with('YES')
    r.anchor.callback { answer false }.with('NO')


The interesting part of this example is the anchor tag callback handler of component Page. When clicked it will display a YES/NO message box which will return true if you clicked on YES, otherwise false. When it returns, execution resumes exactly at the point after the callcc call. In fact, callcc returns the return value of the called component. A called component returns by calling the answer method (it behaves mostly like the regular return statement). The concrete mechanism how this all works out is a bit more complicated as it involves installing and removing several decorations to delegate rendering and catch exceptions upon answer, but this is totally unrelated to continuations.

So how would it look without the use of continuations? Well, the callback handler would turn from:

if callcc YesNoMessageBox.new('Really delete?')
  callcc InfoMessageBox.new('Deleted!')
  callcc InfoMessageBox.new('Deleted action aborted')


call YesNoMessageBox.new('Really delete?') do |res|
  if res
    call InfoMessageBox.new('Deleted!')
    call InfoMessageBox.new('Deleted action aborted')

Actually in this concrete example it’s not hard to rewrite the code without using continuations. But for more complex examples it would get much worse. For example, using continations, a simple sequential flow like the following one:

callcc page1
callcc page2
callcc page3

would turn into the much less readable equivalent using CPS (“continuation passing style”):

call page1 do
  call page2 do
    call page3

Which one would you prefer? The good thing: In Wee you can use both, that’s why I have the two methods call and callcc, the latter not to mix up with Kernel.callcc.

Performance and Memory Usage

The reason why continuations were basically unsupported in Wee for a very long time was that they leaked memory. Since a few months there circulated patches on the ruby-core mailing list that seem to fix those leaks. Actually the reason seams to be that some parts of the stack are not overwritten when calling a function and as such old values keep referenced: a leak is born! I haven’t tried those patches, but I think they work. Instead I tried Ruby 1.9.1. And wow! It’s incredible! Memory usage stays constant at 12 MB, regardless of the number of requests. And performance scales nearly linearily as I increase the number of threads.

For 10000 requests (with one thread) Ruby 1.9.1 takes 16 seconds and requires 12 MB of memory. The same example with Ruby 1.8.7 grows to 329 MB of memory and takes 56 seconds. That’s an increase in performance of factor 3.5 and a 27-fold reduction of memory.

The example I’m using for the benchmark is the following 2-level nested callcc component call:

class Benchmark < Wee::Component

  # calls Called2 then returns
  class Called1 < Wee::Component
    def render(r)
      r.anchor.callback { callcc Called2.new; answer }.with('back')

  class Called2 < Wee::Component
    def render(r)
      r.anchor.callback { answer }.with('back')

  def render(r)
    r.anchor.callback { callcc Called1.new }.with("click")


Continuations seem to be stable enough and not too expensive in terms of memory and performance in Ruby 1.9 so that there is nothing against using them (wisely) within Wee. This makes Wee the only web framework for Ruby to my knowledge that uses continuations. Coupled with other great features provided by Wee, for example reusable components, backtracking or the programmatic HTML generation, this undoubtly allows Wee to be called one of the most advanced web application frameworks for Ruby. Worth to note is that Wee does not focus on RESTful multi-million page-view serving, scaling applications. Instead Wee focuses on very complex applications, similar as found in traditional GUIs, and to get the job done quick and beautiful.