Installing Idris from Source

Idris is a functional programming language with Dependent Types. To install it on my system running DragonFlyBSD, the following steps are neccessary.

Install cabal as root user:

pkg ins hs-cabal-install

Then as user, type:

mkdir idris-build
cd idris-build
cabal sandbox init
cabal update
cabal install idris

From the idris-build folder, you can then start Idris by executing:


And voila:

	 ____    __     _                                          
	/  _/___/ /____(_)____                                     
	/ // __  / ___/ / ___/     Version 1.3.0
  _/ // /_/ / /  / (__  )      
 /___/\__,_/_/  /_/____/       Type :? for help               

Idris is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.            
For details type :warranty.