Scheme    up
  similar languages: Lisp  
  Description: A Lisp-like language.

  Factorial   Michael Neumann
; define function
(define fak 
    (lambda (n) 
      (if (< n 2)
          (* n (fak (- n 1)))

; call function
(fak 6)
Calculates the factorial. Results 720.

 Hello World (1)   Michael Neumann
; Hello World in Scheme

(display "Hello World")
Prints "Hello World" onto the screen.

 Hello World (2)   J. A. Durieux
; Hello World
"Hello, world!"
Prints "Hello World" onto the screen.

 Squares (1)   Michael Neumann
    ; Initialize variables
     (i 1 (+ i 1))
    ; while condition
     (> i 10)
    ; loop body
    (display (* i i))
    (display " ")    
Outputs the squares from 1 to 10.

 Squares (2)   J. A. Durieux
; Squares
(define (squares from to)
  (if (> from to) '()
      (cons (* from from)
            (squares (+ from 1) to) ) ) )

(squares 0 10)
Outputs the squares from 1 to 10.