MUMPS    up
  similar languages: Caché ObjectScript  
  Description: MUMPS (also known as M) stands for "Massachusetts general hospital Utility MultiPurpose System". Intersystems Caché is MUMPS compatible!

 Hello World (1)   Connel MacKenzie
HELLO   W "Hello World",!
Prints "Hello World" onto the screen.

 Hello World (2)   Connel MacKenzie
HELLO   ; C. MacKenzie ; 3/30/2001 ; "Hello World" routine
        WRITE "Hello World",!
Prints "Hello World" onto the screen.

 Hello World (interpreted mode)   Connel MacKenzie
>W "Hello World",!
Prints "Hello World" onto the screen.

 Sorting   Connel MacKenzie
SORT    ; C. MacKenzie ; 3/30/2001 ; print out array X sorted
        ZWRITE X

; Invoking from interpreted mode:
>KILL  SET X("Hello")=" World?",X("WORLD")="Hi there." DO ^SORT
; result:
;   X("Hello")=" World?"
;   X("WORLD")="Hi there."

; Other example:
>S X("Hello","World")="" ZW X
; result:
;   X("Hello","World")=""

Prints out an array sorted.

 Squares (1)   Connel MacKenzie
SQUARES F I=1:1:10 W I*I," "
        W !
Outputs the squares from 1 to 10.

 Squares (2)   Connel MacKenzie
SQUARES ; C. MacKenzie ; 3/30/2001 ; output squares from 1 to 10
        FOR I=1:1:10 WRITE I*I," "
        WRITE !
Outputs the squares from 1 to 10.

 Squares (interpreted mode)   Connel MacKenzie
>F I=1:1:10 W I*I," "
Outputs the squares from 1 to 10.