Assembler    hoch

 Hello World   6502, Apple II (II+, IIe, IIC)   Steve Hawley
; Uses S-C Assembler variant.
; .or is origin
; .as is ASCII String
; .hs is Hex String
        .or $300
main    ldy #$00
.1      lda str,y
        beq .2
        jsr $fded ; ROM routine, COUT, y is preserved
        bne .1
.2      rts
str     .as "HELLO WORLD"
        .hs 0D00
Gibt "Hello World" auf dem Bildschirm aus.

 Hello World   IBM Assembler/370 (VM/CMS)   B. Bora Bali
TITLE 'Hello World for IBM Assembler/370 (VM/CMS)'
         BALR  12,0
         USING *,12
         WRTERM 'Hello World!'
         SR    15,15
         BR    14
Gibt "Hello World" auf dem Bildschirm aus.

 Squares   IBM Assembler/370 (VM/CMS)   B. Bora Bali
         TITLE 'Squares from 1 to 10 - IBM Assembler/370 (VM/CMS)'
         BALR  12,0
         USING *,12
         LA    4,1                * Start value = 1
         LR    2,4                * Increment by 1
         LA    3,10               * Range value = 10
LOOP     EQU   *
         LR    7,4                * Copy the loop value
         MR    6,7                * Multiply by itself
         CVD   7,DW               * Convert it to decimal
         MVC   WORKAREA,PATTERN   * Copy edit pattern
         EDMK  WORKAREA,DW        * Convert decimal value to character
         WRTERM WORKAREA,16       * Display
         BXLE  4,2,LOOP           * Iterate until R4 <= R3
         SR    15,15
         BR    14
DW       DS    D
PATTERN  DC    X'40202020202020202020202020202120'
         END   SQUARE
Gibt die Quadrate von 1 bis 10 aus.

 Hello World   Intel 80x86 (DOS, MASM)   Brad Coomer
.MODEL tiny
        ORG 100h
HELLO          PROC
        MOV     AH,09h
        LEA     DX,msg
        INT     21h                     ;Display Hello World

        MOV     AX,4C00h                ;Exit to DOS
        INT     21h
HELLO          ENDP
        msg     DB      'Hello World$'
        END     HELLO
Gibt "Hello World" auf dem Bildschirm aus.

 Hello World   Intel 80x86 (DOS, TASM)   Michael Neumann
; WRITTEN IN TASM (Turbo Assembler)
ORG 100h
        mov ah,9
        mov dx,OFFSET Msg
        int 21h
        int 20h
        Msg DB 'Hello World',13,10,'$'
Gibt "Hello World" auf dem Bildschirm aus.

 Hello World   Intel 80x86 (gas/NetBSD)   Michael Neumann
 *  Hello World in gas/NetBSD
 *  AT/T-Syntax
 *  Compile:
 *    gas hw.s 
 *    ld -s -o hw a.out


    .string "Hello World\n"
    .long . - msg

.globl _start

    push $len        /* Laenge */
    push $msg        /* Adresse */
    push $1          /* Stdout */
    movl $0x4, %eax  /* write */
    call _syscall
    addl $12, %esp   /* Stack bereinigen */

    push $0
    movl $0x1, %eax  /* exit */
    call _syscall
    int  $0x80

Gibt "Hello World" auf dem Bildschirm aus.

 Hello World   Intel 80x86 (nasm/NetBSD(aout))   Michael Neumann
; Hello World in nasm/NetBSD(aout)

; Compile:
;    nasm -f aoutb hw.asm
;    ld -s -o hw hw.o

section .text

    push    dword len    ; Länge
    push    dword msg    ; Adresse
    push    dword 1      ; Stdout
    mov     eax, 0x4     ; write
    call    _syscall
    add     esp, 12      ; Stack bereinigen

    push    dword 0
    mov     eax, 0x1     ; exit
    call    _syscall

    int     0x80

msg db      "Hello World",0xa
len equ     $ - msg

Gibt "Hello World" auf dem Bildschirm aus.

 Fast and Good Hash Function   Intel 80x86 (nasm)   Michael Neumann
;; A Fast and Good Hash Function
;; Algorithm by Bob Jenkins, December 1996
;; (see for C version)
;; Implemented by Michael Neumann, June 2002.
;; Requires NASM - the Netwide Assembler.

global s_lookup
section .text

%macro mix_line 6
        ;;; parameters: r x y shift temp direction(left|right)
        ;;; r -= x; r -= y; r ^= (y(>>|<<)shift)

        ; r -= x
        sub %1, %2

        ; r -= y
        sub %1, %3

        ; r ^= (y>>shift)
        mov %5, %3
%ifidni %6,left
        shl %5, %4
        shr %5, %4
        xor %1, %5

%macro mix 4
        ;;; parameters: a b c temp

        ;;;a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>13); 
        mix_line %1, %2, %3, 13, %4, right

        ;;;b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<8); 
        mix_line %2, %3, %1, 8, %4, left

        ;;;c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>13); 
        mix_line %3, %1, %2, 13, %4, right

        ;;;a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>12);  
        mix_line %1, %2, %3, 12, %4, right

        ;;;b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<16); 
        mix_line %2, %3, %1, 16, %4, left

        ;;;c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>5); 
        mix_line %3, %1, %2, 5, %4, right

        ;;;a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c>>3);  
        mix_line %1, %2, %3, 3, %4, right

        ;;;b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a<<10); 
        mix_line %2, %3, %1, 10, %4, left

        ;;;c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b>>15); 
        mix_line %3, %1, %2, 15, %4, right

jump_table: dd case0, case1, case2, case3, case4, case5, case6, case7, case8, case9, case10, case11

; unsigned long s_lookup(void *key, int length, int level)

%define temp edx        ; temporary register: edx
%define a ecx           ; a 
%define b ebx           ; b
%define c eax           ; c
%define len edi         ; len
%define key esi         ; key

        push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        push    esi
        push    edi
        push    ebx
        push    ecx
        push    edx
        ; --------------------------------------------------------

        mov     key, [ebp+8]            ; first argument (key)

        ; Set up the internal state

        ;;; len = length
        mov     len, [ebp+12]           ; second argument (length)

        ;;; a = b = 0x9e3779b9 
        mov     a, 9e3779b9h
        mov     b, a

        ;;; c = level
        mov     c, [ebp+16]

        ;;; while (len >= 12)
        cmp len, 12
        jl near end_while                  ; exit if len < 12

        ;;; a += (k[0] +((ub4)k[1]<<8) +((ub4)k[2]<<16) +((ub4)k[3]<<24));
        add a, [key]

        ;;; b += (k[4] +((ub4)k[5]<<8) +((ub4)k[6]<<16) +((ub4)k[7]<<24));
        add b, [key+4]

        ;;; c += (k[8] +((ub4)k[9]<<8) +((ub4)k[10]<<16)+((ub4)k[11]<<24));
        add c, [key+8]

        mix a, b, c, temp

        add key, 12
        sub len, 12

        jmp near while


        ;;; c += length;
        add c, [ebp+12]

;; jump table

        jmp [jump_table+len*4]

        add a, [key]       ; cases 1,2,3,4
        add b, [key+4]     ; cases 5,6,7,8
        mov temp, [key+8]  ; cases 9,10,11
        shl temp, 8
        add c, temp
        jmp ende

        add a, [key]       ; cases 1,2,3,4
        add b, [key+4]     ; cases 5,6,7,8
        mov temp, [key+8]  ; cases 9,10
        shl temp, 8
        and temp, 0FFFFFFh
        add c, temp
        jmp ende

        add a, [key]       ; cases 1,2,3,4
        add b, [key+4]     ; cases 5,6,7,8
        mov temp, [key+8]  ; cases 9
        shl temp, 8
        and temp, 0FFFFh
        add c, temp
        jmp ende

        add a, [key]     ; cases 1,2,3,4
        add b, [key+4]   ; cases 5,6,7,8
        jmp ende

        add a, [key]       ; cases 1,2,3,4
        mov temp, [key+4]  ; cases 5,6,7
        and temp, 0FFFFFFh
        add b, temp
        jmp ende

        add a, [key]       ; cases 1,2,3,4
        mov temp, [key+4]  ; cases 5,6
        and temp, 0FFFFh
        add b, temp
        jmp ende

        add a, [key]       ; cases 1,2,3,4
        mov temp, [key+4]  ; cases 5
        and temp, 0FFh
        add b, temp
        jmp ende

        mov temp, [key]
        and temp, 0FFFFFFh
        add a, temp        ; cases 1,2,3
        jmp ende

        mov temp, [key]
        and temp, 0FFFFh
        add a, temp        ; cases 1,2
        jmp ende

        mov temp, [key]
        and temp, 0FFh
        add a, temp        ; cases 1
        jmp ende

;; the last case should be the most often occuring one (so we can save one jump instruction)
        add a, [key]       ; cases 1,2,3,4


        mix a, b, c, temp

        ; return value in eax
%ifnidni c,eax
        mov eax, c

        ; --------------------------------------------------------
        pop     edx
        pop     ecx
        pop     ebx
        pop     edi
        pop     esi
        pop     ebp
Generates 32-bit hash values from a given string.

 Hello World   MIDAS PDP-10 (MIT Incompatible Timesharing System)   Rob Austein
;; Hello world in MIDAS

title   hello

start:  .open   [.uao,,'tty ? 0 ? 0]
         .lose  %lsfil
        move    1, [440700,,[asciz "Hello, world
loop:   ildb    2,1
        skipn   2
         .logou 1,
        .iot    2
        jrst    loop

end     start
Gibt "Hello World" auf dem Bildschirm aus.

 Squares   MIDAS PDP-10 (MIT Incompatible Timesharing System)   Rob Austein
;; Squares of integers 1..10 in MIDAS

title   squares

.vector pdl(lpdl==200)

start:  move    p, [-lpdl,,pdl-1]
        .open   ttyo, [.uao,,'tty ? 0 ? 0]
         .lose  %lsfil
        move    1, [-12,,1]
loop:   hrrz    2, 1
        imul    2, 2
        pushj   p, print
        movei   2, 15
        .iot    ttyo, 2
        movei   2, 12
        .iot    ttyo, 2
        aobjn   1, loop
        .logou  1,

print:  idivi   2, 12
        push    p, 3
        skipe   2
         pushj  p, print
        pop     p, 2
        addi    2, "0
        .iot    ttyo, 2
        popj    p,

end     start
Gibt die Quadrate von 1 bis 10 aus.

 Hello World   MIPS R2000   Christian Heinig
.data                     # Datensegment
str:    .asciiz "Hello World!\n"  # String ablegen
        .text                     # Codesegment
main:   li      $v0, 4            # 4 = Print_string
        la      $a0, str          # Adresse des Strings übergeben
        syscall                   # Systemfunktion aufrufen
        li      $v0, 10           # 10 = Quit
        syscall                   # Programm beenden
Gibt "Hello World" auf dem Bildschirm aus.

 Hello World   Motorola 68000 (ATARI)   Michael Neumann
        ; Message-String ausgeben
        move.l #msg,-(a7)
        move.w #9,-(a7)
        trap #1
        addq.l #6,a7

        ; auf Taste warten
        move.w #1,-(a7)
        trap #1
        addq.l  #2,a7

        ; Programm beenden
        clr -(a7)
        trap #1
        msg: dc.b "Hello World",10,13,0
Gibt "Hello World" auf dem Bildschirm aus.

 Hello World   VAX   Daniel Lundin
L       .align  1
        .globl  _main
        .word   L12
        jbr     L14
        .data   1
        .ascii  "Hello, world.2"
        pushl   $L17
        calls   $1,_puts
        .set    L12,0x0
        jbr     L15
Gibt "Hello World" auf dem Bildschirm aus.